Thursday, June 14, 2012

the untrophy wife

There is a big myth that all doctors and especially surgeons look for trophy wives. I hear this term on a regular basis when I hear a snide comment made about me at his work by someone who really needs to get a life. It is always under her breath but come on- really not necessary...

Last night I told hubby that he got ripped off in his attempt for a trophy wife- we had a good laugh over it.  You see when we first met I told him that I had lupus- a mild form of the worst type- systemic, and waited for him to run and not look back. Most guys did....His response was surprising he said only a-holes would see that as an issue and he was not...side note I agree with his assessment 99% of the time but he is male so, um...he has his moments- I, on the other hand, am perfect. ;p

We had discussed adoption from the beginning- I was sort of thinking we could risk a pregnancy until in his intern year hubby called me very upset...he had just dealt with not one bur two women who had lupus with no complications until they gave birth- then renal failure and sadly, they both died...He noted this doesn't always happen but it can and he was not going to lose his wife and be a single father. So, I checked with my specialist who noted this was a risk and advised against pregnancy for me. I got a second opinion as I wanted to be sure and was told the same things given my medical history. We both knew we wanted children so we adopted in our second year of marriage. I get to be a mommy and honestly, I don't think it is possible to love my daughter more- she grew in my heart and that love grows daily. To call her a daddy's girl is a huge understatement- he is a dedicated father and changes a mean diaper. Nothing is sexier than a man who carries a baby in one arm and uses the other to vacuum.:)

 I also pointed out last night to hubby that trophy wives get more bling and he pulled the residency card again.  Humph, I hate when he throws logic at me. I gave him a pass but told him 10 years is diamonds and he is forewarned. ;p

Finally, I would imagine trophy wives (don't know any so have to rely on imagination) are likely more domestic than me. I despise house work. I  don't like cooking either. Not saying being a domestic goddess makes one a trophy wife but they likely come closer to expectations than me. :) We budget for a cleaning service- in my defense scrubbing floors is physically painful. Dave often cooks and puts stuff away for us. He says cooking and cleaning relaxes him- who am I to deny him the simple pleasures? I am very giving so I like to see my man happy. Win win and all. :)

Those who think I am a trophy wife would likely be very disappointed by the reality of our life but we are not! :D

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