Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Blogging is cheaper than therapy....

We are in our sixth year of residency....I say "we" because I mean WE- quite frankly I think I should get a bloody medal after this seven year service is done. I thought that in the senior years life would be easier- no more 6- 8 nights a month of overnights but instead, we get home call...yeah, I was naive enough to think that was better...What I didn't count on was the fact that home call is hit or miss and when it is hit it is BAD!!! Doc hubby was basically operating for 3 days straight since now after work when he gets called he goes back in...I get that this is the training period and that "one day" this will pay off- but one day seems a long time from now- especially when you count in the 4 years of military pay back we have to do afterwards for medical school being footed by Uncle Sam...sigh...
So I started a second blog about life as a resident's wife which will be followed up by life as an army surgeon's wife....;p Why? Because we are NOT rich! Residents make peanuts! We cannot afford the therapy that would be needed to vent this crap so I will blog...
A little background on us....hubby is a real life Dr. McDreamy but not judgmental or annoying like the one on TV.  He is in year 6 of residency and has PhD's on top of it. He started college at 16...I am a stay at home mommy to our beautiful daughter who is 2 before I worked in TV and taught elementary. We met while he was in med school and I was teaching in Florida- side note- I REALLY miss South Florida...We now live in a small community that I am not thrilled with- actually, neither is he... again, 7 years of it and I deserve a medal or at least a Cayenne.
Hubby isn't typical of the guys he works with- he comes home and helps with the kiddo AND cooks and cleans. AND he wants to buy me the expensive car when our ship finally comes in, not him- he wants a boring hybrid sedan...Yeah, I know I am lucky but anyone who loves a resident also knows that NOTHING about this life is easy...The hours SUCK! The pay SUCKS! Being stuck in a less than desirable locale- SUCKS! In short this blog will be about why residency SUCKS big time....Yes, it may come across as being spoiled or pampered but I never said I wasn't either of these things... ;p
This will be a humourous look into our lives and it will be a tad more honest than what you see on Grey's Anatomy AND I promise NEVER to burst into song- trust me you will be grateful!


  1. I hope you know about our blog and Facebook group. great outlets. :)

  2. I follow the blog but will look you all up on Facebook, too. :)

    1. I hope you do! We are a very active group. :)
